Born to a Japanese mother and White-Australian father, Sharnie was born in the city of Sendai, in Japan. She spent the first four years of her life with her Japanese grandparents, Baachan and Jiichan, before relocating with her parents and younger sister to their next home: the Gold Coast, Australia.
After completing her schooling in Australia, Sharnie pursued her interests in law and women's rights and completed a Bachelors of Laws at Griffith University. She was admitted as a Queensland legal practitioner in September of 2022. Later in the same year, Sharnie was selected to be an Ambassador for One Young World Japan where she continues her activism for the prevention of violence against women and children.
Sharnie is a creative at heart and adores the art of writing and expression through words and language. She began writing her debut book, Baachan, in an attempt to share her grandmother’s wisdom as well as to connect to those who may have had similar experiences of growing up mixed race, grappling with an identity crisis, internalised racism and being in an abusive relationship.